HIBISCUS Overview Activities Science Field campaigns Project Data Links Picture Gallery

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[] Garnier A., J.P. Pommereau, P. Cocquerez, G. Held, and the HIBISCUS team. Impact of tropical convection on UTLS at global scale: the HIBISCUS project . 18-25 July, 2004. COSPAR Scientific Assembly. 35th. Paris, France. .

[] Pommereau J.P., A. Garnier, F. Borchi, and M. Nunes-Pinharanda. Infra-Red Montgolfier flights at the tropics for the study of ozone distribution, NOx production by lightning, water vapour and satellite validation in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere . 18-25 July, 2004. COSPAR Scientific Assembly. 35th. Paris, France. .

[] Pommereau J.P., A. Garnier, M. Nunes-Pinharanda, F. Borchi, and G. Letrenne. Evaluation of satellite ozone and NO2 profiles in the tropics from SAOZ Infra-Red Montgolfier long duration flights (Download) . 21-24 Oct, 2003. SOLVE II/VINTERSOL science meeting. Orlando, U.S.A.. .

[] Garnier A. and J.P. Pommereau. The contribution of HIBISCUS to the VINTERSOL tropical phase (Download) . 21-24 Oct, 2003. SOLVE II/VINTERSOL science meeting. Orlando, U.S.A.. .

[] Pommereau J.P. and F. Borchi. Ozone and NO2 variability in the tropical UTLS from long duartion SAOZ balloon flights . Sept. 2003. International DOAS workshop. 2nd. Heidelberg, Germany. .

[] Christensen T., B.M. Knudsen, J.P. Pommereau, G. Letrenne, F. Vial, and A. Hertzog. Stratospheric temperature trends in the tropics . 14-16 May, 2003. Tropics workshop. Wessling, Germany. .

[] Pommereau J.P.. The HIBISCUS project . 14-16 May, 2003. Tropics workshop. Wessling, Germany. .

[] Christensen T., B.M. Knudsen, J.P. Pommereau, G. Letrenne, A. Hertzog, and F. Vial. Stratospheric temperature trends in the tropics . April 2003. EGS-AGU-EUG. Nice, France. .

[] Huret N., J.P. Pommereau, T. Dudok deWitt, and M. Pirre. Modeling study of NOx species in the low tropical stratosphere over Brazil on February 2001 : Proton precipitation in the South Atlantic Anomaly as a possible source of NOx in this region . April 2003. EGS-AGU-EUG. Nice, France. .

[] Pommereau J.P., A. Garnier, F. Borchi, A. Hertzog, F. Vial, and G. Letrenne. Global scale observation of cirrus, ozone and nitrogen dioxide variability in the tropical UTLS from circum-navigating infra-red Montgolfier long duration balloons . April 2003. EGS-AGU-EUG. Nice, France. .

[] Marecal V., S. Cautenet, and E. Riviere. Modelisation du transport d'especes chimiques par la convection au Bresil: premiers resultats . 17-19 Dec. 2002. Actes de l'Atelier de Modelisation. Toulouse, France. .

[] Garnier A., J.P. Pommereau, and G. Letrenne. Long duration Montgolfier and Super-Pressure balloon flights for investigation the impact of deep convection on transport, chemistry and microphysics in the UTLS region: the HIBISCUS project . Oct. 2002. COSPAR Scientific Assembly. 34th. Houston, U.S.A.. .

[] Pommereau J.P., A. Garnier, A. Hertzog, F. Vial, and A. Buivan. Exploring the tropical lower stratosphere with circum-navigating balloons . Oct. 2002. COSPAR Scientific Assembly. 34th. Houston, U.S.A.. .

HIBISCUS Overview Activities Science Field campaigns Project Data Links Picture Gallery

Contact : hibiscus@aerov.jussieu.fr