You are in : Field campaigns >ENVISAT Pre-HIBISCUS 2003 >Balloon flights definition
In total, seven flights were to be performed during the campaign : four long duration Infrared Montgolfier (MIR), two 10000 m3 (10 ZL) and one 3000 m3 heavy payload short duration balloon (3SF). The payloads to be attached to each of them were the following :
MIR ENVISAT 1 : Narcisse gondola (Inmarsat C) with radiometer + SAOZ (1.5 to 2 months autonomy)
MIR ENVISAT 2 : Narcisse gondola (Inmarsat C) with radiometer + SAOZ/H2O and lightning/blue jet detector (1.5 to 2 months autonomy)
MIR Techno 1 or MIR RUMBA : Inmarsat eC-track, RUMBA-H2O/O3, RUMBA Vorcore-turbulence
MIR Techno 2 or light MIR : new lightened MIR, Inmarsat eC-track
10ZL- ENVISAT 1 or ZL ENV SR : SAOZ, SAOZ/H20, DIRAC N2O, O3 SSS/H2O SAW, night-time ascent and sunrise
10ZL- ENVISAT 2 or ZL ENV SS : SAOZ, SAOZ/BrO, DIRAC N2O, MICRO-LIDAR,O3 SSS/H2O SAW daytime ascent and sunset
3SF (22 km-slow descent): DIRAC CFCs/SLS, Descartes CFCs/SLS, MICRO-LIDAR, O3 SSS/H2O SAW, daytime ascent and slow nighttime descent in TTL
A radiosonde programme has been operated by IPMet.
The reference document for the campaign definition is available to HIBISCUS team members : Bauru2003Sched_baseline.pdf .
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