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Seven balloon flights were scheduled at IPMet/UNESP balloon facility in Bauru between February 7th and February 24th 2003 : four long duration Infra-Red Montgolfier , two 10000 m3 (10 ZL) and one 3000 m3 heavy payload balloon (3SF)

The objective of the campaign was threefold :

Bauru 2003 is also part of the EC VINTERSOL programme to which ESA and NASA are associated.

The campaign was as well an opportunity for the CNES Balloon Division and LMD to test further new equipment and balloons, in view of future programmes.

Specific objectives of the Bauru 2003 campaign are available to HIBISCUS team members : Bauru2003objectives.pdf .

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Contact : hibiscus@aerov.jussieu.fr