You are in : Activities > Balloons and Instruments >Instruments >Instruments on long duration balloons
In situ measurements
RUMBA payload for super-pressure balloons (CNRS-LMD): flight safety, Temperature, Pressure, GPS 3D location + light weight passengers (O3 SSS, H2O SAW or turbulence)
NARCISSE for Infra-Red Montgolfier (CNES): flight safety, Inmarsat telemetry, Pressure, Temperature, GPS 3D location, IR radiometer (CNRS-SA)
Optical detector (CNRS-SA): lightning and blue-jet frequency
DIRAC (under development for Infra-Red Montgolfier): gas chromatograph N2O
Remote sensing
SAOZ Vis-IR spectrometer (CNRS-SA): O3, NO2, O4, H2O strato and atmospheric extinction profiles
MICRO-LIDAR (CNR-ISAC, ENEA): aerosols, clouds, temperature profiles
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