You are in : Activities > Balloons and Instruments >Instruments >Instruments on short duration balloons
In situ measurements
Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, GPS 3D location (CNRS-SA)
DIRAC gas chromatograph (UCAM): CFCs, N2O, SLS
TDLAS Tunable Diode Laser (NPL): CH4 or H2O
MICRO-SDLA Tunable Diode Laser (CNRS-SA): CH4, H2O, CO2
O3 Solid State Sensor, O3 SSS (UCAM): O3
Surface Acoustic Wave H2O sensor, H2O SAW (UCAM): water vapour
Optical particle spectrometer, OPS (UMIST): aerosols size distribution, radii 0.1 to 1.5 micron, polarization
LABS backscatter diode laser (CNR-ISAC): aerosols / clouds backscattering ratio and polarization
CUBE (NILU): UV radiation
Backscatter and ECC ozone radiosonde (DMI/University of Wyoming) : aerosols / clouds backscattering ratio and ozone
Atmospheric Impact of electromagnetic Radiation and Sprites, AIRS (CNRS-CETP): electric field and detection of lightnings
Remote sensing
SAOZ Vis spectrometer (CNRS-SA): O3, NO2, O4, H2O tropo and atmospheric extinction profiles
SAOZ-BrO UV-Vis version (CNRS-SA): BrO, CH2O, (OClO if exists) profiles
SAOZ Vis-IR spectrometer (CNRS-SA): O3, NO2, O4, H2O strato and atmospheric extinction profiles
MICRO-LIDAR (CNR-ISAC, ENEA): aerosols, clouds, temperature profiles
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