HIBISCUS Overview Activities Science Field campaigns Project Data Links Picture Gallery

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  1. to study vertical and horizontal transport in upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) including contribution of meso- and small scale waves;

  2. to assess the quality of current operational global meteorological analyses at the tropics (temperature, winds);

  3. to explore the mechanism which controls the amount of water vapour reaching the stratosphere (dehydration) and the possible cause of its trend in the stratosphere;

  4. to assess the impact on chemistry of short lived active chemical species from pollution and biomass burning lifted by convection and NOx production by lightning;

  5. to assess the impact of aerosols on the formation of thin sub-visible cirrus at tropopause level and their impact on chemistry and radiation transfer;

  6. to validate satellite ODIN, ESA-ENVISAT, NASA-SAGE III atmospheric chemistry measurements at the tropics.

HIBISCUS Overview Activities Science Field campaigns Project Data Links Picture Gallery

Contact : hibiscus@aerov.jussieu.fr